Most of us understand that we need a diverse professional network to prosper in our careers.

Too often, and particularly since Covid, we don’t act on this knowledge.

Networking is the important but not urgent business that never makes it to the top of the “to do” list.

This lack of investment really hurts careers.

In this webinar, Michael Melcher will spell out the networking habits (based on small but consistent investment) that will transform your professional network and your career.

We will discuss:

  • Why you should make small but regular attempts to reach out to existing contacts and strangers
  • Why it is OK to focus on the activities and relationships you enjoy
  • Why networking experiments are so valuable and how you can get started
  • Why you should talk more about your failures and setbacks How to achieve great results in 20m a day
  • Why some industries are less open and how you can adapt your strategy.

Everyone who attends the webinar will be asked to complete a brief network audit and we will discuss the results of this exercise live during the webinar.

Programme & speakers

Michael Melcher is an internationally known executive coach and leadership expert.

He is the author of three books, including Your Invisible Network: How to Create, Maintain, and Leverage the Relationships That Will Transform Your Career.

Location & travel details


Who should attend

All alumni interested in the subject area.

Cost & concessions

We have 500 free tickets available for alumni. Please book here.