Join alumni, faculty and staff to celebrate the awarding of the 14th Cranfield Australian Alumni Scholarship Foundation MBA Scholarship. 


Please note: neither Cranfield University nor any of its subsidiary companies are involved in the development, organisation or running of this event and therefore they disclaim all liability for any loss or injury suffered by anyone attending.

Programme & speakers

Please note: Times are approximate; some sections may take a little more time and
some less.

6.15 pm  Gather in the Zoom room pre-session for everyone to chat informally and say hello.
6.30 pm Master of Ceremonies David Scollon, 2012 Scholar, opens the Award event. David will
give a brief overview of the proceedings and welcome our honoured guests.
6.35 pm David introduces David Oglethorpe to speak on Cranfield, the Alumni and our
6.40 pm  David introduces Alex Chapman, Vice-President, MBA 1988, to talk briefly about our
Australian Scholarship, our past journey and the future direction.
6.45 pm David introduces Mahesh Roy, 2019 Scholar, to speak about his MBA journey to where
he is today.
6.50 pm David presents the traditional annual video from Alex White, 2020 Scholar.
6.55 pm David introduces John McFarlane MBA 1975 to present the Scholarship Award to
7.00 pm Deane Chadwick, 2021 Scholar, will say a few words in response.
7.05 pm John McFarlane offers his traditional “Wise Words.”
7.10 pm David opens the meeting up so all attendees can proffer words of advice.

The Award meeting will close at approximately 7.15 pm. Some sections of the award
ceremony may be recorded, and we will make this clear to all attendees.

Location & travel details

Join the event via Zoom:

Who should attend

All alumni are welcome to attend.

Cost & concessions

Free to attend